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Financial Support is Essential for Success on the Mission Field
Whether you work in the states or serve in another country, a healthy support team is vital to the success of your ministry. Did you know there are many ways for donors to support you, and the support options can actually help them strengthen their own finances? The better equipped your team is at using the numerous giving options available, the greater the opportunity for them to help sustain your ministry for years to come.
Provision Legacy Can Help Your Partners Have the Freedom to Give
When members of your support team have their finances in order and their long term plans mapped out, they are in a better position to help you with your work. However, if your supporters have concerns about their finances or how their assets will pass down to their children, they may not be as inclined to give. This is where Provision Legacy comes in.
Offering the Right Giving Tools Can Help You Achieve Your Mission
By using the planned giving tools of large-scale ministries, Provision Legacy can offer your support team powerful ways to bless your work. We develop financial solutions that benefit both you and the donor at the same time. Just enter your email address to learn how we can help you. There is never a charge to you for seeking our assistance.